
最新麻豆影音视频 without Limits Academy Trust

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Join LwLAT

Trustee Volunteer Opportunity

We have an exciting opportunity for a Trustee to join our Board of Trustees. We are looking for someone who can make time to use their professional skills to help shape the strategic vision of the Trust and support and challenge performance across our five academies.

The Board of Trustees, which meets a minimum of four times per year, is responsible for overseeing the educational and financial performance of the Trust, providing ongoing scrutiny and support to the Executive Team to ensure the best outcomes for our students.

If you are interested in learning more about the role then please contact Matthew Hand, Lead Governance Professional - mhand@lwlat.org.uk

The Role

As a trustee, you will have the same general legal responsibilities to the Trust as any other trustee on the Board. The Board as a whole is collectively responsible for the success of the Trust and is accountable to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and the Secretary of State for Education as principal regulator.

The Board's role includes to: 

  • develop and promote its collective vision of the Trust’s purpose, culture, values and the behaviours it wishes to promote in conducting its operations and ensure that its obligations to its members and other stakeholders are understood and met.


  • promote the success of the Trust and set the Trust’s strategic aims, ensure that the necessary financial and human resources are in place for the Trust to meet its objectives and review performance;


  • provide strategic and entrepreneurial leadership of the Trust within a framework of prudent and effective controls which enables risks to be assessed and managed;


  • promote the transparent and accountable operation of the Trust including but not limited to ensuring appropriate governance and decision making are in place;


  • provide oversight of standards and outcomes of the Trust’s academies and to ensure that the Trust and its academies take an active role in the communities they serve.


Person Specification

In looking to fill this vacancy we are interested in applications from people with a variety of skill sets from across the business sphere including accountancy and finance, audit and risk, education and experience of serving on a Board of Directors.


The expectation is that Trustees will give sufficient time to their role. It is anticipated that the role will require attendance at a minimum of four Board meetings per year. The individual is also likely to be asked to serve as a member of a board committee which would require attendance at a minimum of three committee meetings per year. Trustees will need to read all materials supplied prior to the meetings and be prepared to ask questions based on the information provided.

Trustees are given the opportunity to attend professional training events throughout the year and invited to attend a variety of events that the Trust holds during the year in an ambassadorial role for the Board.



You will find available career opportunities across the Trust below.



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