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Consultation on LwLAT Admissions Arrangements for 2025/26

We invite you to share your views on our consultation of 2025 – 26 admissions arrangements for each of the Trust’s five academies. The consultation period will run from 21 November 2023 until 9 January 2024; during this time, parents and other key stakeholders are invited to express their views and any concerns about the proposed admission arrangements.

In accordance with the DfE’s 2021 statutory School Admissions Code guidance, as the Admissions Authority the Trust must consult on its academies’ admission arrangements when changes are proposed, and at least once every seven years. For this reason, a consultation is currently being held to meet the statutory duty.

Below is a brief outline of the proposed amendments which have been made to all of the academies admission arrangements plus changes specific to individual academies. A copy of the full proposed admissions arrangements are attached to this page.

Summary of proposed amendments to all LwLAT academy’s admission arrangements

  • A revised Admission Policy which provides a clearer overview of arrangements and uses definitions which are in line with the School Admissions Code 2021.
  • The combining of several categories within the oversubscription criteria set out within the Admission Policy which aligns with the School Admissions Code 2021.
  • The introduction of a form to capture only relevant information for exceptional medical and social needs.

Summary of changes to individual academy admission arrangements:

Babington Academy

  • Increase in PAN from 210 to 240.
  • Introduction of a Unit Provision which accepts students from all secondary age year groups.

South Wigston High School

  • Increase in PAN from 175 to 180
  • Alignment of oversubscription criteria to give clarity and match other LwLAT academies.

In accordance with statutory DfE guidance, the consultation must run for a minimum of at least six calendar weeks, however, due to the consultation period being held over the Christmas period, it will run for an additional seventh week. As an interested party, we are keen to hear your views on the proposed changes; therefore, we invite you to participate in the consultation if you have any concerns regarding the matter.

Responses to the consultation should be submitted before 5pm on 9 January 2024.


Catchment Areas

South Wigston High School:

5402 south wigston high school osopen.pdf


5402 south wigston high school vector.pdf


Consultation Results: LwLAT Admissions Arrangements for 2025/26

Consultation Results: LwLAT Additional INSET Day

lwlat additional inset day consultation results.pdf

Consultation Results: Timings of the School Day

lwlat timings of day consultation results.pdf




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